Why CyLimit ?

Le Tour de France is watching in almost 200 countries, with around 4 billion cumulative viewers.

We, the CyLimit team, have been big fans of cycling since our childhood and we have arrived at this conclusion :

  1. Cycling is one of the most popular sports of the world

  2. However, fans can't live their passion so intensely as in other sports

Teams often have to sell the bikes at the end of the season to stretch their budget.

  1. The economy of cycling is not developed as it should be

  2. We need to connect fans, teams and riders.

  3. This sport is so important for the mental and physical health of all, we need to reward all those who make this sport grow.

For the Fans

Stop this industry in which you throw away your game every year

With Blockchain and NFT, you are now the owner of the components of your game. You don't need to buy a game every year. Your CyLimit cards are your own, and they are eternal. In CyLimit, your cards have value outside the game, and your money is never lost.

Avoid as much as possible the crypto world

In CyLimit, we don't want to talk about Bitcoin or Ethereum or one of the billions crypto-currencies that exist.

One of our main goals is that everybody in CyLimit talks in Euro or Dollars, and absolutely 0 crypto knowledge is needed.

You don't need to understand Crypto to play

In CyLimit, we don't care about the evolution of the price of cryptocurrencies, we just want to use all the benefits of BlockChain, without the risks of a drop in the market. So we use a StableCoin, the USDT. USDT is a cryptocurrency based on US Dollars. It means that this crypto is following as closely as it can the price of the US Dollar so you can't feel if there is a problem on the cryptocurrencies market. You are just here to play, collect ,or trade, not to gamble with cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, to not bother you with crypto details, we pay all the fees needed for the transactions in the game, once your money is in it.

In crypto world, each time you trade a NFT, you have to pay gas fees. You won't in CyLimit.

Build a fantasy-game for everyone

Because our ambition is to include every pro-cyclist team in the game, we want to reach every cyclist fan. The game will be accessible to everyone, fun for everyone and understandable to everyone.

Make the fan at the center of this adventure

Opinions, reviews, feedback from players are our first priorities. CyLimit is a fun and engaging game. Your player experience is the main way to success for us. Satisfy all kinds of players is our priority; collectors, as traders, as cycling experts as just-for-fun players.

For the pro-cyclist teams

Build a new economy

For now, the economy of cycling is based 100% on sponsoring. It creates an absolute dependence and stress for every team at the end of the year. With CyLimit, they will get a new income, with no need to convince any sponsors. We reverse a part of the sales to the teams. It is very important to us that even teams with a low budget have their share too, because cycling starts here.

Moreover, we believe it will help them to find sponsors because CyLimit will make them visible around the world through the game itself, by social media, and though you, the owner of their cards.

Begin the digitalization they need

Cycling is late coming to new technology compared to other sports. CyLimit is taking one of the first steps to making cycling progress and make it become what it should really be as a sport practiced by everyone on earth.

Last updated